5 Tips on Getting the most from your Letter Stickers
Letter stickers can quickly become useless if you do not use a little creativity. It is easy to run out or of or low on vowels and wonder if you should just throw the rest of the stickers away but here are a few tips that will allow you to get more use from those stickers.
1. Mix and Match
A great solution for when you are running low on one type of letters is to combine it with one or several other letter types. This creates a whimsical look and allows extra use from that sticker sheet.
Another great way to use left over letter stickers is to abbreviate. Instead of spelling out the entire word just use the main letters. Readers will be able to understand what you are conveying because it is either a common abbreviation or because it is clear from the other content on the page. For example instead of spelling out Atlanta you can abbreviate it to ATL. In the photo DB is used as an abbreviation for Donut Bar.
3. Use as Embellishments
Letter stickers do not have to be used to spell out words or be representative of anything specific. They can simply be used as an embellishment for their color, shape or size. In the example below I used the letter stickers for their color and shape to add to the style of the page. To view the scrapbook page without the circle highlights click here.
Letter stickers do not have to be used to spell out words or be representative of anything specific. They can simply be used as an embellishment for their color, shape or size. In the example below I used the letter stickers for their color and shape to add to the style of the page. To view the scrapbook page without the circle highlights click here.
4. Transform the Letters
If you really want to use a specific style of letters but are lacking all needed letters there may still be hope. An L can be easily transformed into a I by cutting off the bottom half of the L. This is true for several letters. By flipping a lower case N it can easily become a U. The same is true for M and W. If letters come with number stickers you may be able to substitute a zero for the letter O or a 7 for the letter L. Always check if there is a way to create the letter you need before looking for alternatives. In the example below I used the number 7 as the letter L. No one ever notices until I point it out.
If you really want to use a specific style of letters but are lacking all needed letters there may still be hope. An L can be easily transformed into a I by cutting off the bottom half of the L. This is true for several letters. By flipping a lower case N it can easily become a U. The same is true for M and W. If letters come with number stickers you may be able to substitute a zero for the letter O or a 7 for the letter L. Always check if there is a way to create the letter you need before looking for alternatives. In the example below I used the number 7 as the letter L. No one ever notices until I point it out.
5. Scrabble Word Generator
If you want to finish off a sticker sheet and there are a few vowels left but you're not sure what words they will create a scrabble word generator is a great tool. Just type all the letters left on your sticker sheet into the generator and it will tell you all the word possibilities. Many words may not have a use in your scrapbook but write down potential words you may use on a scrap sheet of paper and staple it to your sticker sheet for later use. Once you use the last of a letter simply cross through all other words containing that letter leaving the usable options.
- Using a scrabble word generator can also encourage you to use words you may otherwise not think of. In the example below the generator suggested the word twinkle. I wrote it down along with several other possible words until I needed it later and I eventually had a use for it. To try it out chick Here.
If you have any tips or tricks for getting the most out of your letter stickers leave a comment below!
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